Saturday, January 31, 2009

Alone with a broken heart

This is how I feel. I have the pain dat has lasted most of my life and wonder when it will ever end. Growing up with a father dat beat up my mom, a mother that never grew up, a husband dat abused me and I was stupid to stay put. Now Im free but still in pain life has yet of breaking free from me. My heart is chattered in pieces of so much missing my lil babys. I go to sleep with pain I wake up with pain. I put up a front of dat I am ok. But no one knows dat I walk in life with so much pain. A broken heart its so plain. Hundreds of miles away I hear their voices so close it drives me insane. I cry of saddness I hold it in. Dont want them to hear my heart ache in pain. I speak like nothings wrong theses dayz. But a whole lot of hurt is all curled up in my veins. I actually feel like the quote I stumbled upon today "I wish I was a child again because bruised knees heal faster then a broken hearts pain." Dats exactly what I wish I could only feel. The pain of my bruises always went quickly away. Missing my babys this pain I think will just never seem to ever go away....................

~Stormy AKA Ms.MexiQueen~

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